Sometimes You Gotta Do It Scared
“I’m not good enough. My business is not established enough. I’ll be the oldest one there.”
A few years ago, those words, and more, were running through my mind as I drove from Mansfield to Waco for a photography retreat. Even though I managed to get past those thoughts long enough to register for the event (with a lot of nudging from my husband), I was still battling those insecurities as I approached the house. I remembered his words…”sometimes you gotta do it scared. And every time, it will work out the way it’s supposed to”.
After arriving and meeting everyone (and I WAS the oldest but that turned out to be kind of fun), I noticed that all my insecurities slowly vanished and I was quickly at ease. It took me back to my days of playing basketball (how long ago was that??) I would be so very nervous before the game but once the whistle blew and I tipped the ball, all anxiety was out the door and I was ready for action, focused on the task at hand. In this case, I didn’t need my game face on but I did need the confidence to feel like I belonged….and I did. And every woman there made me feel that way.
I realized something that first night. We were all there for the same reasons, and more than likely had some of the same insecurities. We were there to learn and teach, to share and strategize, and most of all to encourage and support each other as we navigate the waters of being female small business owners.
Along with some awesome photography related sessions led by our hosts, there were lunches in downtown Waco in trendy little restaurants and chef prepared dinners at the house (omg…so good!!). There was laughter and tears, late night business strategy sessions and even later nights (until 2 am…oh my) just talking about any and everything…you know…girl stuff. And at the end of it, having learned something from every person there, we were revitalized, rejuvenated, and re-energized…ready to move forward in our businesses with a renewed confidence.
We ARE good enough, our businesses WILL thrive and age has NOTHING to do with the desire or ability to succeed.
This business of photography is not easy (taking pretty pictures is only a small percentage of what is required) and finding other photographers that are willing to share their tips and tricks of the trade is sometimes hard to come by. But this weekend…these ladies…were one big Texas-sized exception.
I did it scared…and it worked out the way it was supposed to.
Seven women. Three days. One Fixer Upper house. A lifetime of memories.